80 Niece Quotes For Every Proud Aunt and Uncle

Being an aunt or uncle brings with it fun and responsibility, as the following niece quotes will show you.   

It’s funny how a tiny baby girl can change your entire world even if that girl isn’t your own daughter. Becoming an aunt or uncle can really transform your life.

What makes nieces special?

A niece is someone for you to have fun teasing and teaching to do all the things that will drive her parents crazy. She’s also a girl to protect and keep safe from everything that’s in the world. 

Because you aren’t her parent, you’ll get to have a relationship with her where she may trust you with her secrets and come to you for advice. A relationship between a niece and her aunt or uncle is special.

Below is our collection of inspirational, cute, and loving niece quotes and sayings, collected from a variety of sources over the years.

Don’t forget to also check out these nephew quotes that will make you love being an aunt or uncle.

Niece quotes celebrating a special relationship

1. “If nephews and nieces were jewels, I would have the most beautiful gems ever.” – Unknown

2. “A niece is a gift whose worth cannot be measured except by the heart.” – Unknown

3. “It’s really special to have a niece because I have a son, so I get to have a little girl, too.” – Solange Knowles

4. “I’d rather be the cool aunt than the authoritative aunt.” – Solange Knowles

5. “Nieces are like sunshine on a rainy day.” – Catherine Pulsifer

6. “A niece is someone special to remember with warmth, think of with pride, and cherish with love.” – Unknown

7. “The moment my niece came into the world, I realized that logic can’t make sense of someone who’s so brand new to you.” – Crystal Woods

8. “Everything is nicer when shared with a niece!” – Unknown

9. “To have your niece lie in your arms is the greatest gift from God.” – Celine Dion

Funny niece quotes

10. “I was the one who taught my sister and my niece how to walk in high heels.” – John Barrowman

If you’re enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of funny sister quotes celebrating unconditional love.

11. “I am officially allowed to allow my niece to do the things her parents have not allowed her to do.” – Unknown

Niece quotes about being the cool aunt

12. “You are my niece, which gives you the official right to ask me for treats without feeling guilty. I am your aunt, which gives me the official right to spoil you without taking responsibility.” – Unknown

13. “Love is that magical, elusive feeling that really seizes us and takes us from the inside. To me, it’s in the corners of my niece’s little smile, or when I see my mother is calling me.” – Stephanie Ellis

14. “My nieces love me just as much as I love them. We have so much fun together.” – Unknown

15. “I have nieces and nephews that I love hanging out with, and they think I’m the biggest goof on the planet.” – Eliza Dushku

16. “You know you’re the best aunt in the whole universe when your niece walks into the room and her face lights up when she sees you.” – Unknown

17. “My beautiful nieces; I only have to think about them and my day is brighter.” – Unknown

18. “If you have nieces, you will know that the level of love is indescribable.” – Marisa Casciano

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Niece quotes about their relationship with aunt

19. “There are many ways to be a mother. I have a lot of young actors I mentor, and my nieces and my nephews need a lot of love.” – Kim Cattrall

20. “Though we’re aunt and niece, we always have a friendly relationship. I know you can feel how much I love you. Keep in mind that, your aunt can do anything for your welfare!” – Child Insider

21. “All nieces are brilliant and beautiful…and obviously take after their aunt.” – Unknown

22. “I love you not because you are my niece, but because you are such a wonderful human who truly deserves the most amount of love from anyone.” – Unknown

23. “I was really lucky that I had an aunt who was inspiring to me. She was different than anybody in my family on either side.” – Geena Davis

If you’re enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of aunt quotes about the power of family love.

Niece quotes that will make your day

24. “Why should I marry? One marries to have children, but I already have children! My nieces and nephews are my children.” – Salman Khan

25. “My favorite person in the entire world calls me ‘Aunt’.” – Unknown

26. “To be on television and have my nieces and nephews see me, and seeing them wear my shirt to the games and be proud, it’s so sweet. Sometimes it feels like it’s just a dream.” – Sue Wicks

27. “My dear niece, when you called me Uncle for the first time, I felt old, but now I feel incredibly lucky.” – Unknown

28. “A niece is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.” – Unknown

29. “I could not have supposed that a niece would ever have been so much to me. She is quite after one’s own heart.” –  Jane Austen

30. “I didn’t give birth to you but raised you in my heart. You’re my life and I always love and care for you. I know God has the best plan for the best niece in the world! Love you a lot!” – Child Insider

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More niece quotes

31. “You are the best niece ever, your thoughtfulness and caring ways make you special in many ways.” – Catherine Pulsifer

32. “My niece, my little princess you totally rule my heart. In the story of my life you are the best part. Your sweet smile and magical ways bring happiness in my life and joy that stays forever.” – Unknown

33. “Nieces, like friends but even cooler.” – Unknown

34. “A niece is a joy to remember your whole life through.” – Unknown

35. “No matter what life throws at you my Niece, I am always here for you.” – Kate Summers

36. “To my niece, you are a joy to my heart and a delight to my eyes. You are a precious gift to our entire family and a wonderful addition to our lives.” – Unknown

37. “My Niece, watching you learn and grow over the years is a privilege that only an Aunt would know.” – Catherine Pulsifer

38. “A niece is a friend given by Nature.” – Unknown

39. “If Nieces were flowers I would pick you.” – Unknown

40. “Little girls made of sugar and spice grow up to be darling young women that we call our niece.” – Unknown

Neice quotes about the special little girl in your life

41. “My sister finally did a smart thing. She had you, my niece.” — Catherine Pulsifer

42. “If you think I’m cute, you should see my niece.” — Unknown

43. “An aunt and a niece, there is a special bond that grows with time.” — Kate Summers.

44. “A niece is a gift whose worth cannot be measured except by the heart.” — Ajay Thakur

45. “The day our niece was born, our family was blessed.” — Catherine Pulsifer

46. “Here together or miles apart, a niece like you stays in my heart.” — Unknown

47. “I would not be a good mother. I mean, I love being an aunt to my niece and nephew.” — Kelly Clarkson

48. “I can’t wait till Sunday. I’m going to see my favorite niece and my other niece.” — Sarah Silverman

49. “I don’t have children, but I have 17 nieces and nephews, and they more than make up for anything that I can do.” — Lauren Velez

50. “Being your aunt is a pleasure, especially to you, my niece. You have made a positive difference in my life.” — Catherine Pulsifer

Niece quotes to show her you care

51. “Your mother I may not be,  But I love you and you bring such glee.”  – Kate Summers

52. “Nieces bring happiness and joy. They are so different than a boy. They are full of love and surprises too. They make life special, not blue.” – Catherine Pulsifer

53. “Long before my niece came to this world, I never knew how much I could love someone. She came, and everything changed.” – Anonymous

54. “Advice for my niece: believe in yourself, do your best, never give up, help others, smile often, and share your love.” – Catherine Pulsifer

55. “A niece adds beauty, joy, and love to life.” – Anonymous

56. “It’s a wonderful feeling to have a niece like you because you are always so dear. You are so dear no matter the year.” – George Orwell

57. “Happiness is a little niece’s tight hug.” – Unknown

58. “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.”  – A.A. Milne

59. “I love my niece more than words can ever express.” – Anonymous

60. “A niece grows more precious as time goes by.” – Unknown

Niece quotes about the little girl who means so much to you

61. “Sometimes my nieces feel more like the little sisters I never had.” — Kyle Richards

62. “I am not a father, and the only children that I get close to are my nieces.” — Greg Davies

63. “Never forget, my Niece, you can do anything that you put your mind to.” — Catherine Pulsifer

64. “I’ve always been close to my family. I’ve got a lot of nieces and nephews, but I’m a good uncle.” — John Waters

65. “I was born an auntie. I have an older niece and nephew and many younger nieces and nephews.” — Zendaya 

66. “I have nieces and nephews who I’ve nurtured, but when it’s your own it’s hard to put into words how difficult it is.” — Nadine Coyle

67. “I have three incredible nieces and a nephew who’s going off to college. To hear them say they’re proud of me left me in tears.” — Tamron Hall

68. “I take my role of being an aunt seriously and have attended every important event/milestone in all my nieces’ and nephews’ lives.” — Kyle Richards

69. “I have two lovely parents who support everything I do, two siblings, and three beautiful nieces. My house is always filled with laughter and fun!” — Ariel Winter

70. “No matter what, I always make it home for Christmas. I love to go to my Tennessee Mountain Home and invite all of my nieces and nephews and their spouses and kids and do what we all like to do – eat, laugh, trade presents and just enjoy each other… and sometimes I even dress up like Santa Claus!” — Dolly Parton

NIece quotes for that special girl

71. “A niece is a lovely gift from my brother and sister.” – Unknown

72. “I’ll always be thankful to God for sending the cutest doll in our family. My dear niece, you’re the star of my eyes and the biggest reason for my joy. God bless you!” – Unknown

73. “I’m so proud of you, my niece.” – Catherine Pulsifer

74. “Never quit, my niece. Integrity you always show, enthusiasm in all you do. Choose to be happy. Example to others you are!” – Kate Summers

75. “You are awesome and amazing too. I could wish for no better niece than you!” – Catherine Pulsifer

76. “What a joy to have an intelligent and hardworking niece. I have the confidence that you can do anything if you want.” – Unknown

77. “A niece makes life a little sweeter.” – Unknown

78. “I love my niece because of all the joy she has brought into my life.” – Kate Summers

79. “You are my niece, and I will always love you for who you are.” – Unknown

80. “Happiness is spending time with this little one.” – Unknown

What kind of impact will you have on your niece?

Every child needs good influences in their lives, even if they have great parents. As an aunt or uncle, you have a chance to be the fun adult, confidant and good example that your niece needs. 

You can enjoy the time that you spend with your niece and then enjoy one of the best parts of being the aunt or uncle, turning them back over to their parent to handle the real responsibility of raising her and disciplining her.

You get to have all the fun but remember you also have little eyes watching you and learning from you. Your niece will look up to you and you have to be a great example in her life. 

Which of these niece quotes and sayings resonated with you best? Do you have any other favorite quotes to add? Let us know in the comment section below.

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