15 Personal Mantras for Being a Better Person
Do you have a personal mantra? A personal mantra is a positive phrase or affirmative statement that you say to yourself for the purpose of motivation or encouragement. This could be your favorite quote, proverb, spiritual truth, or religious saying that motivates and inspires you to be your best self. Today I wanted to share a few mantras that will uplift and support you in your personal growth. Here are some of my favorites that have helped me become a better person every day. Personal Mantra To Help You Be Your Best Self 1. “It’s never too late to be who you might have been.” – George Eliot This quote always reassures me that no matter how old you are, or how many mistakes you’ve made along the way, you can always take the steps necessary to rediscover your true purpose in life. 2. “The path emerges as you walk it. So simply walk it.” – Natasha Allrich This personal mantra encourages me to stop making everything so complicated and simply take the first...